Big Bath’s June Challenge Program 2021: Up to RM50,000 Has Been Rewarded
KUALA LUMPUR: For many, the past June might have been the most struggling time following the strike of total lockdown nationwide. But for the Big Bathians, this was yet a precious timing to challenge themselves to be stronger and strive for rewards.
For the past month, Big Bath had instituted a June Challenge programme for its staff, setting up a series of challenges that offered incentives of up to RM50,000 in return for them to compete for.
With its theme “Looking at the world from another angle during this FMCO”, this program was designed to change the way the employees think about the problem, inspiring them to see this challenging FMCO period as a great opportunity to strive to contribute to the company’s overall growth. It was also meant to give all the Big Bath members support by offering them chances to earn extra income to mitigate the loss that the FMCO has brought over.
All the Big Bath staff were given chances to join at least two out of the twelve challenges set, including headhunting talent, the proposal of location for launching the new store, and reconnecting the most customers. Tough competition was seen between them who had given all out to complete the challenges within the timeframe set and to come out on top.
The programme finally came to an end last Tuesday, with all the winners receiving the rewards and recognitions that they deserved in an online award ceremony held on Zoom. All of them had expressed the joy for their triumphs and not forgetting to mention their gratitude to the company for giving them the chance to gain extra income and improve themselves.
FMCO 换个角度看世界 . 挑战自我共享RM50,000奖励金
(吉隆坡14日讯)随着全国全面封锁的实施,过去的六月对于许多人来说,或许是一段非常艰辛和挣扎的日子。但对Big Bath团队上下而言,这却是个挑战强化自己和争取奖励的大好良机。
在刚过去的一个月内,Big Bath为其员工设立了六月份挑战计划,布置了一系列的挑战项目和提供高达50,000令吉的奖励来让他们参与争夺。
此项计划的主题为“FMCO换个角度看世界”,旨在改变员工们看待问题的方式,激励他们将这段充满挑战的FMCO时期视为一个突破自己,为公司的整体发展做出贡献的良好机会。除此之外,这项计划的进行也是为了提供Big Bath员工一个赚取额外收入的机会,以减轻他们在FMCO期间所面临的销售额上的损失。
所有的Big Bath员工都被给予机会报名参与所设的12项挑战中的至少两项来争取获得奖励,当中的挑战包括了有寻找人才填补职位空缺、建议新店开业地点,以及重新连接最多的旧有的客户等等。为了在规定的时间内完成挑战并争夺有限的奖励名额,他们全部都出尽了法宝与彼此展开激烈的比拼。