Buisness As Usual Here At Big Bath During FMCO
KUALA LUMPUR: During this FMCO, you can still shop for bathroom and kitchen solutions here at Big Bath - even from your home - as the dedicated staffs remain at your disposal both on online platforms and offline stores.
While all the nine showrooms remained open for business throughout this period, a team of Big Bath’s makeover consultants had also taken to the “FB Live”, streaming the displays around the stores to allow customers to shop from the comfort of their homes.
Everyday, the consultants from each of the nine showrooms would take turn to host an FB Live on Big Bath’s page sharp at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The live streaming, which usually lasted for about an hour, would see the hosts sharing some home improvement tips, such as choosing the best bathroom and kitchen items and their functions.

Besides gaining valuable knowledge, those who joined and shared the live streaming would stand a chance to obtain special deals that one would never get via in-store and win attractive lucky draw prizes like RM50 cash vouchers.
In the meantime, the public may feel free to visit Big Bath’s showrooms, which were cleaned and sanitised regularly by the staffs to ensure a Covid-19 free environment for everyone.

Customers were required to comply strictly with the SOPs, including wearing face masks and showing MySejahtera risk status for check upon entering, to ensure safety. Only those with low-risk status on the MySejahtera would be allowed to enter the premises.
Alternatively, the public may also opt to make purchases online by contacting the Big Bath team directly at https://wa.me/+60193368366, and the sales team would be there to serve and provide further assistance.
FMCO期间照常营业 . Big Bath 线上线下不间断为你服务
(吉隆坡15日讯)FMCO期间,无论你是想要到店内或是在家里通过线上购买卫浴与厨房产品,实体店和线上平台双管齐下的Big Bath 都可以满足你的需求。
考虑到行管令下许多民众无法亲身到店内一览产品,Big Bath的卫浴顾问团队近期安排了一连串的Facebook 直播活动来展示各种陈列品,好让顾客可以舒适地在家进行购物。

目前,全国9家Big Bath陈列室依然照常营业,并欢迎民众的到访。民众大可放心地到店内进行实体购物,因为这里的工作人员每天都有定期为陈列室进行清洁与消毒,以确保所有顾客能在安全的环境下购物。

与此同时,想要留守在家中并通过线上购物的民众也可以选择联系 https://wa.me/+60193368366 。那里有专业的销售团队随时守候并提供进一步的协助。