FAQs on Big Bath Online Warehouse Sale
KUALA LUMPUR: Mark your calendar for May 27 to 30, as the much-awaited TORA warehouse sale is back to treat the public with great promotion and deals for bathroom and kitchen design needs!
The 4-day warehouse sale, organised by Big Bath, offers discounts of up to 90% on more than 700 bathroom and kitchen accessories, including bathtub, basin cabinet, kitchen sink, and mirror.
However, this year’s event is not the same as the past ones, as it will be held online for the first time in light of the government’s implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO). Instead of shopping in-store, visitors are to purchase bathroom and kitchen items at prices as low as RM9.90 simply by tuning in to the live sessions conducted by Big Bath on its Facebook while staying at home.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the soon-to-happen online bathroom warehouse sales:
1. Where does this warehouse sale take place?
A: This year's warehouse sale will be conducted online but not as a physical event due to the implementation of MCO nationwide. It is happening virtually on the Big Bath Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Bigbath so that you can shop safely in the comfort of home.
2. How to place an order for the products I want to buy?
A: During the event, Big Bath will conduct Facebook Live in three time slots - morning (around 9-10 a.m.), noon (around 12-2 p.m.) and afternoon (3 p.m. onwards) - each day, and you may place your order upon joining any of the live sessions. Alternatively, you may also send a PM to Big Bath’s Facebook page or contact the experts for help via https://wa.me/+60193368366.
3. What are the delivery options?
A: There are two delivery options up for choice. Firstly, you may pay for shipping for the products to be delivered to your home, and the delivery rate is subject to your spending in this sales campaign. The more you spend, the higher discount you may get for the delivery fee.

Otherwise, you can also go for self pick-up at the Leonfast warehouse in Balakong or your nearest Big Bath showroom while enjoying a free delivery charge. Below is the self pick-up timetable:
Leonfast Warehouse - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (27/5 - 30/5)
Klang Valley showrooms - From 6/6 onwards, during operation hours
Outstation showrooms - From 14/6 onwards, during operation hours
For more online warehouse sale information, follow Big Bath on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Bigbath.
Big Bath 线上清货大促销 - 常见问题
(吉隆坡27日讯)5月27日至30日就是全城期待已久的TORA 清货大促销开跑的大日子,也是民众能够斩获浴室和厨房用品促销优惠的大好时机。
这场为期四天由Big Bath 主办的线上清货大促销将备有超过700样折扣高达90%的浴室和厨房配件,包括浴缸,洗手盆橱柜,水龙头和镜子等等。
然而,为了迁就在行动管制令 (MCO) 下无法跨县和跨州的民众的购买需求,今年的促销活动将一改往常实体展销的模式,首次被搬到线上进行。民众将无需亲身到店内购物,而是只需在家收看Big Bath的Faceboo直播并下单,就可以以最低RM9.90的优惠价格购买浴室和厨房用品。
1. 这次的大促销将在哪里进行?
答: 配合MCO的实施,今年的清货大促销将改在线上进行。有别以往的实体展销,这次的活动将在5月27日起至30日于Big Bath 的Facebook 专页 (https://www.facebook.com/Bigbath)上展开,以让民众能够在家中安全地购物。
2. 我要怎样下单购买我想要的促销物品?
答: 促销期间,Big Bath将在早上(9-10点左右)、中午(12-2点左右)及下午(3点起)的三个时段于其Facebook 专页展开一系列的直播, 任何参与其中的民众都可以下单购买想要的物品。除此之外,你也可以私讯 Big Bath 的Facebook专页或是透过https://wa.me/+60193368366 联系专人寻求帮助。
3. 这次的促销活动有提供运送服务吗?
答: 有两种取货的方式供选择。第一,你可以选择付费让Big Bath运送货品上你的家门口,运送费用的多少将取决于你在本次促销活动中的花费总数。花费购买得越多,你就能获得越高的运费折扣。

除此之外,你也可以选择自行到位于雪兰莪无拉港的Leonfast Warehouse 或离你最近的Big Bath 陈列室分行去领取你所购买的物品并享有免邮费的优惠。以下是开放予公众取货的时间表:
Leonfast Warehouse - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (27/5 - 30/5)
Klang Valley 区陈列室分行自行取货 - 6月6日起的营业时间内
Klang Valley 区以外陈列室分行 - 6月14日起的营业时间内
欲知更多详情者,请关注并留守Big Bath 的Facebook专页(https://www.facebook.com/Bigbath)。