Big Bathians Never Stop Learning, Even If It's FMCO
KUALA LUMPUR: While the total nationwide lockdown has brought changes to the way Big Bath staff work, it has not stopped them from learning and gearing themselves up with enhanced skill sets.
Since the FMCO began earlier this month, Big Bath’s staff had actively participated in an online self-improvement programme, which saw them attending learning sessions using Zoom every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. The one-month programme, conducted by the company’s Talent and Culture Department, was aimed at helping to develop the mindset and skillset of every Big Bathian, improving their efficiency at work and empowering them to achieve their goals.

Through the learning sessions, the staff got to come across numerous webinars hosted by inspirational business people from overseas, covering a wide range of topics like tips on achieving personal growth and strategies necessary for enhancing the company’s business.
Upon completing each session, all participants would also be given a chance to discuss and exchange their key takeaways and valuable understanding of what they had learnt. To them, this was a fruitful learning journey, to which they got to gain a deep understanding of what and how to do to improve their work performance and contribute better to the company’s success.
FMCO仍无阻学习 . Big Bath员工积极进行自我增值
(吉隆坡25日讯)落实了将近一个月的全面封锁措施虽然Big Bath团队的工作模式带来了巨大的改变,但这完全没有影响到他们持续不断学习和提高自身技能的习惯。
自本月初FMCO实施以来,Big Bath全体员工便积极地投入了自我增值的活动,在每周一、三、五的早上时段通过使用Zoom平台来参与线上课程。这项为期一个月的活动是由Big Bath人事部所策划,目的是为了帮助每位员工培养正面和良好的思维和技能,以提高他们的工作效率和使他们能够有效地实现自己的目标。
