Frequently Cleaned and Sanitised: Big Bath is COVID Safe
KUALA LUMPUR: The bathroom and kitchen specialist Big Bath has recently ramped up its sanitization efforts across all its showrooms to ensure customers can shop in a COVID-19 free environment.
As customers’ safety and well-being had always been a priority here at Big Bath, the company’s staff had worked diligently to ensure all common areas and displays throughout the showrooms were cleaned and sanitised daily. In addition to the daily sanitisation activities, the company had also been following strict standard operating procedures (SOP), including contact tracing, temperature monitoring, physical distancing guidance, and providing hand sanitisers to customers to keep everyone safe.

The nine Big Bath showrooms across the country remained open for business as usual throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 period, and all were welcomed to visit them. But, do remember to strictly adhere to the SOP and observe good hygiene at all times while in the stores to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
为让顾客安全又安心 . Big Bath 每天为店面进行消毒
(吉隆坡18日讯)随着MCO 3.0的到来,卫浴和厨房专卖店Big Bath近期加大了在其陈列室的消毒和防疫力度,以确保所有顾客能在安全的环境下安心地购物。
为保护顾客的安全及健康着想,Big Bath工作人员们每一天都会定时为其陈列室的各个角落以及展销物品进行清洁与消毒的工作,严防病毒的传播。除了日常的消毒活动以外,各大陈列室也严格遵循了防疫得标准操作程序 (SOP),采取了各种防疫措施,如提供Mysejahtera二维码供扫描,为到访者测量体温,确保店内顾客保持人身距离,以及为他们提供洗手液,以确保每个人的安全。

在这个MCO 3.0期间,全国9家Big Bath陈列室依然照常营业,并欢迎民众的到访。然而,民众切记在到访时严格遵守SOP,并保持良好的个人卫生,以降低染疫的风险。