Mother’s Day: a Heart-warming Weekend at Big Bath
KUALA LUMPUR: Mother’s day celebration had gone as usual here at Big Bath despite the pandemic lockdown with the bathroom and kitchen specialist sending limited special surprises for mothers.
Bouquet blushes with warmth, along with nicely made greeting cards, had been given out to nearly 200 mothers visiting its showroom nationwide on the past weekend to mark this year’s mother’s day celebration. The gesture that came as part of Big Bath’s mother’s day campaign was to appreciate mothers for their selfless acts of love and caring for their family.
The heartwarming move had eventually put the patrons in a delighted and thankful mode, with many of them taking to the social media platforms to share and express their joy by posing with the surprise gifts they received. Some children even took this opportunity to extend their warm wishes to their mothers by handing them the gifts personally.
这个母亲节, Big Bath 为妈妈们带来了满满的祝福
(吉隆坡10日讯) 一年一度的母亲节又到了,尽管碰上了行管令,卫浴和厨房专卖店Big Bath还是一如既往地为妈妈访客们制造了温馨的特别惊喜。
配合母亲节,Big Bath在过去的周末为为到访其全国陈列室分行的大约200名母亲们献上了色彩艳丽的花束和精美的贺卡,用这小小的心意祝福她们母亲节快乐。同时,作为其母亲节庆祝活动的一部分,Big Bath也想通过这份心意为全天下的妈妈所付出的爱与关心表达诚挚的感恩。
